Wednesday, May 1, 2013


While at yoga yesterday I thought, "wow I can do this!"

crow pose
and even this!
wheel pose

but somewhere in the middle all I could think was "I could really go for some chocolate"

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Left Houston on a wish and a dream and ended up in SLC.
I posed, I planked, I napped

panoramic view of the back garden

City Hall, ain't it a beaut?

Library's roof top garden! 

Glass elevator in library

inside the conference center

Painted by a Ukrainian! Love

Waterfall thing
6 acre roof top garden on conference centre. Prairie part of it.

looks fake eh?

church that is just down the street from me!

I thought I had taken pictures of the capitol but I guess I only snapped those. I'll take some soon, it's my favorite place! I've been taking tons of tours (usually just me and a tour guide) and learning about my new city. I love that I can walk most everywhere and everything else is just a short drive away.  There's a free bus and trax system as well in downtown :) 

The weather is chilly and I'm still getting used to it. The other day I pulled out my heating pad (tender mercy?) and refused to leave my bed.  A girl from texas has a few things to get used to.. Mostly the elevation difference. From below sea level to mountains I still get out of breath and living on a steep hill doesn't help things!  

Friday, December 14, 2012


Be like this cat this weekend and take some time for yourself this weekend :)
I love Friday's at the office because no one is here and I get to wear my jeans and uggs. The perfect way to start a weekend! Now if only there was a way I could read my book at my desk without getting caught..

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Pinned Image

"When we attack ourselves, we attack the world; when we love ourselves, we love the world" - A Course in Miracles
I've recently started thinking about miracles. What is life like when you look for them? Expect them even?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

hot yoga

I love the idea that every day is just like New Years. A new beginning, a new dream.
With my new job, or first actual mostly grown up job, I feel like my life hit an immediate stand still. Was it the shock of not having the days to pick and choose what I do? Wearing high heels and blouses? People telling me what to do every second? All of those with the annoying fact of how much paper the corporate world consumes. I can't even talk about it.
All of this was making me crazy and depressed.  But now I had this new job and new car (so I could get to said new job) that was a figurative and literal anchor in my life.  I knew I needed to find a balance and fast.  A friend said to find something I was passionate about to let be creative. Enter bikram yoga
People- I feel like I have been living a half life and that hot yoga is the other half.  I want to say so much about it but only experiencing it can you understand the greatness. I get what people mean by "Runner's High", you never want to stop. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Future Fossils

I love NPR's Radiolab podcasts. They always make me think and look at the world differently, so they end up accomplishing their goal of pushing boundaries and your own curiosity  Every morning on my ride into work I listen to episode lasting the whole hour it takes me to get through traffic.  Each one gives me new information that fascinates me and leaves me thinking for days.

Example 1: We know dogs are color blind seeing only a few colors due to only having 2 cones.  Humans have 3 cones on our eyes that allow more us to see even more colors. The mantis shrimp has the most cones at 20! But it is so small! And its brain even smaller! Can they even process the colors?  There are other animals in between the mantis shrimp and us that are seeing an insane more amount of colors than us. What do they look like? Would earth look like Mars or some other alien planet? Would it be more beautiful?

Example 2: Time moves at different paces for everyone. Synchronize your wrist watch with someone, come back an hour later and it will be different. Crazy! There wasn't a correct standard time until the railway because people eventually hated missing the train! But if you asked the time and you got 12:30, 12:45, 1:00, they all would have been correct. Say whaaa

Anyways Radiolab is fabulous but this morning my world changed in the episode Deception.  It was all fine and good until the last segment where they talked about deceiving yourself.  People who told the truth and saw reality for what it is ended up unhappier than those who lied and lied to themselves. What is that about? It shocked me because I want nothing more than happiness but in order to get that I have to alter my perception of reality? Messed up.

Another crazy item, future fossils. People that's an actual job, finding out what items today will look like as fossils 6 billion years from now. Concrete will obviously hold up well but most cherished items, not so much. Books? No way Jose. It will look like a rectangular thing with the script not even noticeable. That kills me.

I don't think any of this will stop me from loving my books and keeping it real with honesty. Who says you cant beat a statistic?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I am

"Whatever follows 'I am' will come looking for you" - Joel Osteen

Yea I'm still thinking about Oprah's life class, but come on how true are those word? Why do I always feel more tired/sad/annoyed after I label myself it? duh because words are power.  Sidenote: why did things Joel say only hit me once Oprah repeated them? Her soothing voice? Unsolved mystery.  What it boils down to I think is your perspective of your life.  Me actually stuck inside all day, is not something I ever wanted and I never needed a new perspective so badly.  I thought making a new mantra might help me out a bit. 

These are all the things I want for my life and hopefully they will come looking for me :)

The weather got a bit chilly the other day and I finally was able to pull out my tights! I'm currently obsessing over this color- Go Overboard by Essie. What colors are you loving right now?  I'm finding it difficult to keep my nail polish from being ruined after a day at work. Too much paperwork I think. I got my name plate  which is sort of a stamp of the system I guess, cool but so weird. And yes I stare at a comfy couch all day, dreaming I could be napping on it instead of in front a computer. C'est la vie

Truth Time:  I accidentally honked at a family biking today.